Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Poetry Recital

I am learning to read and recite a poem of my choice. 

In Year 2, we have been learning many different poems. We had to choose a poem that we liked and had time to practise it in class and at home. 

We had to work on the following:
- Body Language and Eye contact - Standing still and looking at the audience. 
- Fluency - Speaking at a medium pace. 
- Clarity - Making sure we are speaking clearly. 
- Preparation - Knowing my poem when reading it. 
- Volume - Making sure I am talking so that everyone can hear me. 

Sea Creature Inquiry

WALT find information and create a piece of artwork on a Sea Creature 

This Term, we have been learning about Sea Creatures in our oceans and seas. 

We have learnt a lot of things such as: 
- The difference between animals that are endangered and extinct.
- Reasons why animals become either endangered and/or extinct. 
- What we can do to help take care of our animals and sea creatures in NZ. 

We were excited to complete a home project on a Sea Creature of our choice. We even got to display it in our classrooms and had the Year 1 classes and our Year 5 Buddy class come and visit us. We displayed our work on the tables, standing behind it and spoke about it to other children while answering questions.