Wednesday, 4 December 2019

A Puppet Show

WALT create and perform a puppet show.
Room 10/11 had a great opportunity to create and perform a puppet show from scratch! They had to write the script, make the stage and props such as a butterfly, a cocoon, a caterpillar and different types of foods. They practised for a few weeks and developed their acting and understanding of stage performance. Take a look at Elly's group’s performance. (Please click the title above the picture)

The very fat caterpillar 

Setting description: the colourful flowers are growing and it’s very sunny. The wind is blowing. The hill is so high and there are three trees. There is a beautiful pond next to a tree. 

Narrator: there was a garden with a little white, small egg that fell down from a leaf. Then it cracked and out came a little hungry caterpillar. 
Caterpillar: I’m so hungry. (caterpillar looks for food)
Narrator: on Monday it found one pear and ate it.
Narrator: on Tuesday it found two strawberries and ate both of them.
Narrator: on Wednesday it ate three salamies.
Narrator: on Thursday the caterpillar ate four watermelons. 
Narrator: on Friday it ate five lemons and on Saturday it ate six cotton candies. 
Narrator: the caterpillar felt so sick so it tried eating a leaf.
Narrator: the next day it turned into a cocoon and after two weeks it came out as a beautiful butterfly! The End. 

By. Keilah, Penny, Ina, Elly, Emily and Hadi 

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Book Character Dress Up Day!

On Thursday 21 November, Room 10/11 had a fun day dressed up as their favourite book characters. There were princesses, witches, wizards, Hairy Maclary and many other characters from different books! It was great to see the love of reading and making a connection to those characters. Well done Room 10/11 for your amazing effort and costumes! 

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Place Value

WALT know the number of tens and ones in 2 digit numbers.
In maths, we have been learning to identify tens and ones in 2 digit numbers. We used tens and ones blocks to make some numbers.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

We are learning to draw a sea lion.

Room 10/11 have made the Sea Lion artwork for the Art Show that is taking place in Term 3 Week 9. We observed different features and postures of the sea lion and learned to draw it step by step to make our own sea lions. Then we made our background by blending different shades and tints of blue. We also made rocks by scrunching up some brown paper.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Poetry Recital

I am learning to read and recite a poem of my choice. 

In Year 2, we have been learning many different poems. We had to choose a poem that we liked and had time to practise it in class and at home. 

We had to work on the following:
- Body Language and Eye contact - Standing still and looking at the audience. 
- Fluency - Speaking at a medium pace. 
- Clarity - Making sure we are speaking clearly. 
- Preparation - Knowing my poem when reading it. 
- Volume - Making sure I am talking so that everyone can hear me. 

Sea Creature Inquiry

WALT find information and create a piece of artwork on a Sea Creature 

This Term, we have been learning about Sea Creatures in our oceans and seas. 

We have learnt a lot of things such as: 
- The difference between animals that are endangered and extinct.
- Reasons why animals become either endangered and/or extinct. 
- What we can do to help take care of our animals and sea creatures in NZ. 

We were excited to complete a home project on a Sea Creature of our choice. We even got to display it in our classrooms and had the Year 1 classes and our Year 5 Buddy class come and visit us. We displayed our work on the tables, standing behind it and spoke about it to other children while answering questions. 

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Hosting the Junior Assembly

Junior Assembly 

WALT celebrate and share our learning achievement with others

This Term we were lucky enough to host one of the Junior Assemblies. Some of us volunteered to speak while others showed our amazing Harold the giraffe portrait and writing. We worked really hard, practising our items and reading our script. We can't wait till it's our turn next to host assembly!